Two for One: New Basketball Class and IAIA Blue Thunderbirds Basketball Team


There will be a new basketball class in the spring, said Joann Bishop, IAIA  health, wellness & fitness director. It will be taught by Michael Brito who is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine.

In the class students will learn how to train their bodies for strength, endurance, and control. The class will be open to anyone, but some will be training for the American Indian Education Consortium, Bishop said.

On Feb. 27, 2014, the IAIA Blue Thunderbirds basketball team will be playing at the Salish Kootenai College in Pablo, Montana. The team is now starting to organize themselves, said Nocona Burgess, student activities coordinator.

The team has a membership of 12. They have no coaches but do have a team sponsor, Chee Brossy, IAIA   alumni & constituent relations manager. The co-ed team is now looking for a way to raise money to buy basketball uniforms, said Brossy.   Their basketball uniforms are blue, turquoise and silver.

Tayloure Baker plays forward position on the team.   Baker said the basketball team was organized by Alexis Estes in September.

“I am hoping that the class will feed the club, and the club feeds the class,” said Bishop.

(Featured Photo by Evelina Zuni Lucero)

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