More study areas are needed on campus so students can complete homework and study for exams, said sophomore Justina Bruns.
IAIA does organize a study night with snacks provided during midterms and finals week in the Student Success Center. But study night is held only during those times.
According to Bruns, the only three places to study or complete homework at night are in the art studios, the Mac lab located next to the SSC and the library until it’s closed at 9 p.m.
Bruns wishes there were rooms that are set up like the learning lab and are open 24 hours like the Mac lab. “It would be cool to have one or some in the dorms.”

Study Environment
A few students often come to class unprepared, said Lara Evans, associate professor of art history, in an email interview.
“It is recommended that college students spend six to nine hours outside of class studying,” Evans said. The study time of six to nine hours is for each course.
“This means most students should be spending roughly 30 hours each week reading, writing, researching, and working in studio spaces on campus.”
Evans pointed out that IAIA has great studio spaces and a great library; however, they don’t have a decent, comfortable, dedicated space for students to complete their reading and writing, practice presentations, or study for exams.
“As a campus, we can set up conditions for students to succeed,” she said. “Ideally, I believe we should have designated quiet study spaces and some designated group study spaces.”
Bruns believes students are unprepared for class because there’s no place to study. “Honestly, dorm rooms aren’t the ideal study area because your bed is right there, and most people try to avoid homework and start cleaning, watching TV, or sleeping.”
Bruns also believes that if there were more access for study areas, students would take advantage of it, especially those who are unable to go to the library during the hours it is open, which is 8 a.m. ”“ 9 p.m. from Monday through Thursday.

Suitable Study Areas
Bruns suggests rooms dedicated to study in the dorms. However, she says, the study rooms should not be in the lobby because it’s usually a place for those who have no homework or need a break.
Bruns pointed out a need for rooms that are open 24 hours and don’t need a prox card. Off campus students may want to us the Mac lab but it does need a prox card to open it.
“The Mac lab is unsuitable for those who have laptops and those who need to spread out research books, notebooks, and so on.”
“I would hope they would create space or assign designated areas that can be used. We have a lot of rooms that could be helpful,” Bruns said.

Suggestions for Faculty
Since certain areas are not accessible during late hours, Bruns suggests that the IAIA faculty make an effort to understand the needs for study rooms.
She also suggests instructors schedule their office hours after 5 p.m. “It’s usually when students have time to meet up.”
Students’ routines of classes, work, and meal hours, keep them busy from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. or even later and they are unable to meet with instructors during the day.

Trial Run of Study Nights
The creative writing department will set up study nights in the next two weeks. According to Evelina Lucero, creative writing department chair, students in creative writing courses can make up past-due assignments during these trial sessions.
Study nights will be held in the creative writing studio from 6 p.m. ”“ 8 p.m. on November 18 and 23.
Studio monitors will host the event and creative writing students will sign in, indicating the class assignment they will work on.
Snacks will be provided by the Office of Institutional Research.
If the study nights are effective, the creative writing department will set up study nights on a regular basis next semester.